From 7 to 9 June 2024, the Christian Days of Encounter (CBT24) will take place in Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice under the motto “Nothing can separate us”. This unique event that brings people and people together invites you to meet in an inspiring and solemn setting and to celebrate the diversity of faith.

The Christian Encounter Days are an international church day that focuses on faith, charity and exchange. They are a regular meeting of Central and Eastern European Protestant churches, held approximately every three years. CBT is a public event to which interested persons of all denominations and worldviews are invited.

Look forward to a family and youth program, panel discussions on spiritual and socio-political topics, Bible breakfasts, joint worship services, ecumenical devotions, concerts and much more.

Family, Group, Solo Traveler:
Registrations are now open

From 7 to 9 June 2024, the Christian Meeting Days will transform Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice into a large Christian open-air stage. More than 4000 visitors from Central and Eastern Europe will celebrate the ecumenical idea together. And you can be part of it! Register now via our ticket service !

Transparent CBT office opened –
Be part of it!

In the middle of Frankfurt’s city centre: Let’s open the ‘Transparent CBT Office’ on Brunnenplatz. This will also be the main stage in 2024. On December 1st from 2 p.m. we invite you to the opening. There will be live music, punch and pastries from all participating countries. There’s also a small gift: the best card house builder is being sought.

Colourful market hustle and bustle on the Oder – with your offers

Culinary and cultural diversity: This is what we want to show on the opening evening with an evening of encounters. Associations, initiatives, interested parties are called upon to present themselves with their offers on June 7, 2024. Further information: Invitation / Registration ; Contact:


Kick-Off in Frankfurt (Oder)

Get in the mood and inspire: That’s what we wanted to do with a kick-off event in Frankfurt (Oder)/Słubice. From the border river that connects Germany and Poland – and the two cities of Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice. Our kick-off took place on the Oder, with a boat tour on the ‘Onkel Helmut’. Representatives of the city administration, cultural institutions, cooperation partners and members of the press were present. Frankfurt’s Lord Mayor René Wilke was also on board – and showed his enthusiasm for CBT24. After the great conversations, offers and ideas, we are looking forward even more to the weekend next year!

The search for accommodation continues

Our campaign continues: We are still looking for friendly and helpful hosts for CBT24. If you can imagine offering our guests accommodation next year from 7 to 9 June, please contact us. We set everything up. And don’t worry! Language barriers should not be a problem. We manage the occupancy of the accommodation according to your wishes. We are looking for private accommodation in Frankfurt (Oder), the districts of Märkisch-Oderland, Oder-Spree and on the Polish side in and around Słubice. Contact:

Registrations are now open

Here we go: culinary, interesting, interesting facts – anyone who would like to be part of the CBT with a stand for the evening of encounter and/or the market of opportunities can register now. More information can be found under the following links Invitation and registration form . Contact:

Dates, dates, appointments

What could also be a birthday party is actually a meeting of our Frankfurter Runde. This is where all colleagues who are on their way to the CBT with planning and coordination come together in a smaller circle. In our last meeting, one of the topics was accommodation and participant management. Especially our most important topics. We are also looking for volunteers who would like to help with the CBT Bible breakfasts, for example. Regular meetings are already taking place with Pastor Gabriele Neumann. Contact:

In conversation: We’re on the road

Nobody can get past 😉 us now: With our booth and a lot of information in our luggage, we are now present at a number of events. Answering questions, meeting interested parties, getting into conversation. A feast for us! Feel free to ask us. Maybe you also have dates for us where we can tell you more about the CBT. We set it up.

In all hospitality

Don’t forget hospitality; for through them some, without suspecting it, have harbored angels! (Hebrews 13:2)

Who will be able to accommodate our guests in Frankfurt (Oder) and the neighbouring districts of Märkisch-Oderland, Oder-Spree and the Lubuskie Voivodeship from 7 to 9 June next year? They are looking for around 500 overnight accommodations. If you have any questions or would like to register, please by e-mail

In the team: Let’s go!

First we came together as a team. With city rally, information and input for the near future. Shortly thereafter, our organizing team had a good kick-off meeting with the authorities – and from the Oder Tower, the administrative headquarters, we had the very best views of Frankfurt (Oder) and our Polish neighboring town of Slubice. We met representatives of a wide range of approval authorities. As a result, we received great feedback and are looking forward to working with you.